Lifeguard certifications are available for FREE to those working at or who would like to work at the Sheridan County YMCA. These courses provide the necessary skills for those who are wanting to become certified.

Must be done prior to taking the certification course

  • Swim 150 yards using breaststroke or freestyle/front stroke, tread water for 2 minutes without using your hands and swim another 50 yards.
  • Swim 15-20 yards, surface dive and pick up a 10 pound brick from the bottom of the pool. Grab with both hands, resurface and swim back to the starting point without using your hands in less than 1 minute and 15 seconds.

Throughout the course, participants will learn and be evaluated on knowledge and skills related to lifeguarding, water rescues, extrications, CPR and AED and First Aid.

  • 100% attendance is mandatory for this course.
  • Participants must be 15 years of age to register.

Aside from basic lifeguard skills, other lifeguard skills for your resume, like lifeguard leadership skills, can add value to your role, prevent accidents, and be the difference to save someone’s life.

  • Communication: Lifeguards are responsible for communicating with patrons to ensure a safer water environment. This can include answering questions from swimmers and advising others against dangerous activities to prevent injury. Lifeguards communicate not only with children but also adults such as parents and caregivers.
  • Attention to Detail: Attention to detail is an essential lifeguard skill. Lifeguards must be aware of what’s happening in their zones. They must recognize potentially dangerous situations and work to prevent life-threatening situations to help swimmers and patrons stay safe.
  • Lifeguard Leadership Skills: You do not have to be the head lifeguard to develop lifeguard leadership skills. No matter what your position, you will be asked to step into a leadership role, working with people of all ages to offer a better, safer water environment. And the longer you work as a lifeguard, the more opportunities you will have to enhance those lifeguard leadership skills.
  • Role Model: Lifeguards are part of the fabric of our communities. They are looked up to for guidance and support by both children and adults alike. We rely on their skills and guidance both in and out of the water.

Interested? Have questions? Contact us at: contact@sheridanymca.org, or call 307.674.7488


Whether you’re young or old, beginner or veteran, the YMCA offers a variety of programs & activities for getting and staying healthy.

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